Forums Questions or bug reports BulkFS_calc=T for 3D Fermi surfaces

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    • #730

      Irene Aguilera

      Dear all,
      I am trying to generate a 3D Fermi surface of bulk iron. I have a wannier90_hr.dat Hamiltonian that reproduces very accurately the bulk band structure when I use BulkBand_calc=T. When I set in addition BulkFS_calc=T I get the FS3D.bxsf file, but in this file, the bands have no bandwidth, as if only the value of the band at one k point was taken into account. However, I am using:

      Nk1 = 101
      Nk2 = 101
      Nk3 = 101

      which should be enough to produce the correct bandwidth. Also, the bands in bulkek.dat look perfect and with the right bandwidth, so the problem is not in the Hamiltonian wannier90_hr.dat and for some reason WannierTools is not producing a correct FS3D.bxsf.

      Do you have any suggestions about what I might be doing wrong?

      Thank you very much!

    • #731


      Hi Irene,

      Which version did you download? Could you download the latest version?

      By the way, the FS3D.bxsf depends on the ” NumOccupied” because WannierTools only write out the energy bands close to the NumOccupied’th band.


    • #734

      Irene Aguilera

      Thank you very much for your reply.
      The version I was using was V2.2.6 (2018.Apr.04). I have now downloaded the latest version (Develop branch Dec 11 2018) and it seems to work.

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